3D Domed Labels

High Gloss Dome
Any Shape, Any Size, Any Quantity
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Domed Labels
Top quality, made to measure domed labels.
The doming process creates a high class, eye-catching, 3D label which has advanced protection from the elements. Domed labels are great for branding, they are commonly used for applying logos on to electronic equipment and vehicles but they can also be used in a whole host of different applications.
• Attractive (badge like) domed finish
• Durable & long lasting
• Ultra strong adhesive
• Choose your own shape as long as it has radius (rounded) corners
Label Shapes
For the resin dome to work effectively the label will need to be cut to shape, all this means is that the shape need radius (rounded) corners so a square or rectangular shape is still possible it will just need radius corners. But it does give you a great excuse to choose your own custom shape.
Common shapes for domed labels include:
Use this checklist to identify your individual label requirements.
1) Where will the label be used?
2) Does it need to fit into a specific space?
3) What type of surface is it fixed to?
4) What is it’s expected lifecycle?
5) What is the environment like?
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