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Add a Touch of Sparkle and Watch Your Sales Shine

Add a Touch of Sparkle and Watch Your Sales Shine

Adding foil to your print has never been so easy or affordable! 

With our state of the art laminating machine you can add one of 12 different metallic foil to your print within a matter of minutes.   There is no minimum order quantity and the content you want to be foiled can even vary (this means that you can add personal details such as names in foil).

The inclusion of foil creates an impressive, high end piece of business literature, but there’s a lot more to this fanastic print finish than just brand embellishment.  Studies have shown that adding a print finish such as foil to your stationery or advertising increases the amount of time that each recipient spends looking at it.  This allows them to process and recall more of the information on your article.  The foil effect also engages more of the recipient’s senses which in turn creates a stronger memory.

So, if you want to make a BIG IMPACT, be REMEMBERED and to INCREASE YOUR RESPONSE RATE you need to include a metallic foil on your next print marketing campaign.

Talk to us to find out more: 01332 662026   |


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